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Three Simple Resolutions for Your Business

Written by BirdDogHR | January 04, 2018

Many New Year’s resolutions often revolve around losing weight or being healthier. All of these things tend to be isolated to the personal aspects of life, but many concepts can definitely be applied to your business. 2018 is the year to streamline your business practices and create an efficient environment for your employees and company culture to thrive. Check back during the month of January to see more resolutions to help your business thrive in 2018.

Shed the Paper Weight

Going paperless for your HR processes and documents can be a quick way to decrease clutter in the office. Instead of permanently retaining piles of paperwork in huge file cabinets, opt for an HR software system that allows for compliance and employee onboarding documents to be completed electronically. You could also opt for a scanning system, which allows you to store documents in a cloud drive. These solutions not only reduce clutter, they also protect your company’s valuable documents and records in case of fire, flood, or even someone spilling their coffee across a file.

Learn a New Skill

The New Year is a fantastic time to create a learning culture at your company, and there are so many ways to do it. Consider the required learning for your company and industry. Are there ways to make it simpler to complete? A Learning Management System is a great way to start making learning simple and accessible for all employees and easy for managers to track. If employees are also resolving to develop their professional skills, it might be worth providing extra courses and opportunities to encourage their goals for professional development. User-friendly learning software and extra learning opportunities are great ways to invest in your employees and strengthen your workforce.

Get Organized

It’s no secret that the hiring market is tough and it may not get easier in 2018, but getting organized can help employers to find those great hires. By re-thinking the hiring process and opting for an automated system like an ATS, it can be much easier to track applicants through the entire hiring process, test for skills, document for OFCCP compliance, and ultimately find the best candidate for your business. The best part? Every bit of information you record can be easily accessed at a later date, helping you stay compliant, but also giving you a pool of applicants you can reach out to should another position become vacant. A more organized system can save money and help you to hire more efficiently.

By eliminating paper, clutter, and prioritizing learning, your company can streamline their HR processes in order to focus on their employees and not the paperwork or requirements. BirdDogHR wishes you and your company a happy, healthy 2018. We offer solutions including the BirdDogHR ATS and the BirdDogHR Learning Management System that can help you streamline your processes and give your company room to thrive. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a demo.