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How To Embrace Automation in the Workplace

Written by BirdDogHR | October 07, 2016

Gone are the days of sifting through documents and spending hours on organization. Filing cabinets and stacks of loose papers are out and the age of automation is here to stay. Here are the days of one click and you’re there. Here are the days of safer, faster and easier. Job seekers, employees and future retirees are looking for a modern organization that makes the employment experience an automated one.

Pre-Hire Automation

When job seekers apply to jobs, it is an expectation that the apply process is online and accessible from a mobile device. According to ERE Recruiting, over 50% of job seekers are using their mobile devices to search and apply for jobs. Don’t expect to attract great, long-lasting employees if your job postings aren’t accessible from a mobile device, because the perfect, long-lasting employee you want is applying to your competitor’s job posting from their tablet or phone.

If your apply process is mobile-optimized, but you aren’t getting the applicants you desire then it’s time to focus on the length of that process. Are job seekers spending more than five minutes applying to your jobs? If so, you can say goodbye to top candidates, because most likely they will abandon your application. According to a SHRM article, recruiters can boost conversion rates (candidates viewing a job who then go to complete an application) by up to 356 percent just by reducing the length of the application process to five minutes or less. Think of all those applicants that could be sitting in your automated applicant tracking system.

People Management Automation

Once you’ve recruited the employees of your dreams, it’s your job to engage and retain them throughout their career, starting with an automated employee onboarding strategy. When you automate the time intensive paperwork process, you can ensure compliance, reduce data input error, and access I-9s, W-4s and E-Verify anywhere and anytime with an internet connection.

After quickly getting new hires into their roles, things like learning and development, regular feedback, collaboration and goal setting should become a part of their everyday employee experience. By automating these practices, employees will remain engaged in the organization and start to develop skills that will prepare them for career advancement opportunities.

Succession Planning Automation

Succession planning is critical to the future success of any organization. Without it, the future will remain a question mark. Does your organization have fully developed employees who are ready and willing to take on the place and challenges of a retiree? Automated succession planning improves employee engagement and ensures talent continuity. Jobseekers are looking for an organization where they can climb the ladder. According to Inc., 46% of employees left their last job due to lack of career growth.

At BirdDogHR, we understand that the employee experience should be automated from hire to retire. We know that an integrated talent management system will help engage and retain the numerous generations in today’s workforce while ensuring compliance and saving you time. Visit our website to learn more about complete talent management.