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A Lesson in Employee Learning

Written by BirdDogHR | January 24, 2019

A skilled labor industry is constantly changing. 

  • New equipment 
  • New processes 
  • New people 
  • New rules and regulations 
  • New compliance 

The list goes on and on. 

As a recruiter or boss, you need to be on your toes and agile enough to make moves without shutting down your day-to-day operations. Your business depends on it, your customers demand it and your employees count on it for safety and job security.

That’s why it’s important to have a streamlined process in place that delivers all your training, tracks progress and is up to date, in other words - a Learning Management System (LMS). With all your training and education materials gathered in one location, you can quickly deliver it to your selected audience. A great LMS will:

  • Centralize your learning documents

  • Ensure everyone is working off the most up-to-date piece

  • Track and notify workers about required training and deadlines

  • Keeps everyone on the same page and working toward the same goals

An LMS ensures that everyone can access training without the hassle, time and cost of meeting in the traditional classroom setting. If the need arises to update or develop new content, you can do so quickly. Need OSHA certifications? Learn how BirdDogHR and ClickSafety teamed up to deliver it hassle-free.

Scenario: Mandatory Training Required ASAP

Image this: You have multiple 24-hour job sites with day and evening shifts working on critical deadlines. A mandatory safety procedure has come down from the top and everyone across the company needs to be trained immediately. 

Can you shut down the entire operation to bring everyone into the office for a meeting? 

Not if you want to keep your customers! Imagine the time and money lost in doing so. It wouldn't just be a step back - it'd be a giant leap! 

With an Learning management system like ours, you can deliver the new safety protocol without leaving the jobsite. The mandatory information will be delivered immediately to all employees, because it’s accessible on their smartphones and tablets. No matter which shift or which job site, every worker will have the information they need to get the job done right and safely. And you didn’t set your entire company back a day in the process!

Scenario: Workers Leave for Similar Jobs & Similar Pay 

Imagine this: Your experienced workers and leaders, primarily Baby Boomers, are retiring, and the new younger workers you manage to hire leave after a few months on the job. You pay competitively, so what gives?

Millennials and Gen Z are hungry for opportunity, and opportunity feeds engagement. With nearly half of Millennials saying they’d leave their job for one that offered professional development, if you’re not feeding them a regular diet of professional improvement and training, they’re going to look for companies that will, which will not only destroy your retention rate, it’ll also earn you a bad reputation as an employer.

When you invest in training, you’re investing in your employees as individuals as well as your bottom line. Integrated learning develops your workforce and improves performance, whether it’s online, instructor-led or on-the-job. Providing a source for valuable information that engages your employees and develops their skills will pay dividends for your company.

Gallup tells us that actively disengaged employees are almost twice as likely as engaged workers to seek new jobs. You can make sure you’re not a part of this statistic by actively engaging them with learning opportunities. An active interest in developing their skills, and not making it hard on them to do so in the process, will create the kind of employee who not only stays around, they’re the kind of employee you want to stay around.

Ready to develop employees now? We can get you in the driver's seat, Get a free, no-commitment training assessment today.

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